Evening Classes -Join us from any where from the world (London time).
Tutor: Ahmed el-shareif (MA -FHEA)
Textbook Ahlan Wa Sahlan
Year 1 beginners-letters and sound
Year 2 lower intermediate
Year 3 intermediate
Choose from full year (saving £ ££3) , or just one term .
Learn Arabic Online at City University of London.
On other words:
- The tutor's has a Master of Arts degree in teaching Arabic and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Any questions email me : ahmed.el-shareif.1(at) or ae2(at)
- The textbook used for the course is Ahlan Wa Sahlan.
- Year 1 of the course will start on October 4, 2023 and will cover the basics of Arabic, including the letters and sounds, as well as the first 5 lessons of the lower intermediate level. Full sullabus 3 terms.
- Year 2 of the course will start on October 10, 2023 and will continue covering the lower intermediate level. Full sullabus 3 terms.
- Year 3 of the course will start on October 12, 2023 and will cover the intermediate level. Full sullabus 3 terms.