Thursday 27 June 2019

Level advanced (C1-C2)
Student Task:
Political Section is keeping a close watch on the Arabs media
Listen to the accompanying article and summarise in English the main ideas.
Write your summary in the comments section.

Click here to listen
الكتاب تضمن تصريحات لستيف بانون عن إدارة ترمب (رويترز)

Vocabulary may help.

نُشر  - أصدر
[v] Issue, publish
أَبْلَغَ ( 4)
[v] Informs,
• بَلَّغَ ( 2)
[v] Convey, notify, inform
مَوَّلَ ( 2) ستمول  will fund
[v] Finance, capitalize, fund
حوله around him  
وجود [اسم/مصدر] حضور
Attendance, presence
[Adv] militarily
حَلَّ - محل
[v] replace, displace, oust,  
[n] leadership, commander, generalship
[adj] actual, present1,  available, being, existing

[prep] according to
تَجَاهَلَ ( 6)
[v] ignore, bypass, disregard, eliminate, pass over
نَصِيحَة (ج نَصَائِحُ)
[n] advice, recommendation, counsel
تَحَدَّى (مستقبل يتحدّى, 5, تحدّ)
[v] defy, brave, challenge, affront, outface

• تَحَدٍّ (أيضاً التَّحَدِّي, ج تحديات)
[n] challenge, defying, dare, defiance
مَنَحَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] give, donate,  award
[n] agreement, approval
مُمَارَسَة (ج. ـات)
[n/] exercise, practice
[n] bullying, thuggishness

أَشَارَ إلى (أَشِرْ)
[v] indicate, refer, point out
تَوَلٍّ (أيضاً التّولّي)
[n] assuming, taking over
وِلايَة[اسم/مصدر] وصاية
[n] guardianship

[اسم/مصدر] حكم
[n] reign, rule
وِلايَة (ج. ـات)
Other meaning: [n] country, province, state
صِهْر (ج أَصْهَار) [اسم] العائلة
 [n] brother-in-law, son-in-law
قَامَ بـ ( 1, ـُ )
[v] handle, execute, manage, carry out, fulfill, deal with
[n] engineering, designing and planning carefully
قِلاب[اسم/مصدر] ثورة
[n/src] revolution, coup, coup d’état
وَضَعَ ( 1, ـَ , ضَعْ)
[فعل] حَطَّ
[v] sposition, put, install, place, lay
خَصَّ بـ ( 1, ـُ )
[v] favor with,) belong to us  خصنا)   
قِمَّة (ج قِمَم)
[n]  top, crown


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