Sunday, 26 March 2023

Marhaba! An Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic textbook.

Open Access: New Arabic Resource from Australian National University

Marhaba! An Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic: Part 1 (epub, 109.1MB) and Part 2 are freely available textbooks designed for self-study and home revision. Comparable to Ahlan wa Sahlan. Marhaba offers lessons , referring to them as chapters.

The Marhaba textbook, available in epub format, includes video and audio content that can be accessed using a multimedia-enabled epub reader.

Here are the links to both parts:

Monday, 13 March 2023

Arabic Language Teachers and Students

 To Arabic Language teachers 

Ready to start adapting OER?

Read more about 

The Arabic Learners Written Corpus-Free OER

 The Arabic Learners Written Corpus

The Arabic Learners Written Corpus is an extensive Arabic learner collection comprising many written samples produced by L2 and heritage students, collected over 15 years of teaching.Description: Developed by Dr. Samira Farwaneh (University of Arizona), this extensive Arabic learner corpus comprises numerous written samples produced by L2 and heritage students, collected over 15 years of teaching. They were transcribed into a database with cross-referenced categories according to level (beginning, intermediate, advanced), learner (L2 vs. heritage), and genre (description, narration, instruction). The corpus serves as a source of empirical data for hypothesis testing as well as a resource for developing materials for teaching Arabic. A Spring 2010 workshop/demonstration took place at the Western Consortium of Middle East National Resource Centers’ Language Workshop.

This project is a collaboration between the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL) and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at the University of Arizona, and the Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) at Pennsylvania State University.

Reed more 

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Read, Learn and Play Arabic .OER /OEP

 I attended today's conference and here is the second Arabic OER  and IT IS FREE .

Thank you Sarab Al Ani  and Elisabeth Shovers


Read, Learn and Play: Online Interactive Arabic Reading Materials provides original reading texts as shareable eBooks alongside virtual online practice activities. The authors ( Sarab Al Ani  and Elisabeth Shovers) designed the materials according to the Comprehensible Input (CI) theory and the Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) method. They aligned the resources to novice, intermediate and advanced ACTFL proficiency benchmarks and are designed for non-heritage K-16 language learners. They created this project with support from the U.S. Department of Education’s International Research and Studies Program.

Just click and learn

Elementary Arabic I


Inclusive Pedagogy in LCTL Classrooms: Implications from Arabic OER
Ayman Mohamed, Michigan State University
Sadam Issa, Michigan State University

Authors:Sadam Issa and Ayman Mohamed

Book Description:This is an open textbook on Beginner Arabic for undergraduate students who are taking Arabic in their first semester. It addresses letters and sounds of Arabic along with basic skills in reading, speaking and writing. The book can be used as a self-study resource or as the main textbook in beginning Arabic classes.

Monday, 20 February 2023

كيف تصف البلاد العربية؟ How would you describe the Arab countries?

Adjectives in context 
كيف تصف البلاد العربية؟ 
How would you describe the Arab countries?

Resource الكتاب في تعلم اللغة العربية lesson 1

Level A1+
Click, Listen and Repeat.

Extract the meaning of:  - بعيد عَن - قريب مِن - كبير- صغير

العراققريبة من السعودية
قطرقريبة من البحرين
الإماراتبعيدة عن الجزائر
عُمانقريبة من اليمن
اليمنقريبة من السعودية
الأردنبعيدة عن تونس
سوريةبعيدة عن المغرب
فلسطينقريبة من سورية
مصرقريبة من لبنان
ليبياقريبة من تونس
المغرببعيدة عن اليمن


نطق اسماء البلاد  


Friday, 20 January 2023

Saturday, 24 December 2022

Free Arabic Open Education Resources (New)

 New Open Education Resources-

free Learning hub

 Fatema the creator of this website allowed me to share these resources here.

Please CREDIT her work under 

CC license

Monday, 10 May 2021

Arabic words in media

 Arabic words in media 

Level: Beginners 



Chinese missile

A Jewish settler (right) and a Palestinian protester (left) in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem

Al Jazeera Arabic Live الجزيرة البث الحي | البث المباشر

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening.Metacognition in Action. Metacognitive Approach to Listening

Amani  from Egypt shares this video and talks about her trip 
 Metacognitive Listening Strategies. 
1-Pre-listening predict the correct sequence or the correct answer to questions. 
Where did Amani go last summer (place)? with whom (person)?what did she study?where?how? what did she see?

 1-Pre-listening predict the correct sequence or the correct answer to questions. 
Where did Amani go last summer (place)? with whom (person)?what did she study?where?how? what did she see?

 2- First listen Verify your initial predictions.
 Compare your answers with a partner. Modify as required. Establish what still needs resolution and decide on what will require special attention. 

3- Second listen Verify points of earlier disagreement, and make any required correction.
4- Third listen (final verification stage) 
Listening to specific information which you were not able to decipher earlier. 

5- Reflection and goal-setting stage
Individual or class discussion of strategies used to determine the correct sequence of answers and reflection on goals for the next listening activity. 

Now watch the video and verify your predictions and folow the steps of listening strategies

6- Extension Activity.Listening diary: Students write an entry in their listening diary to describe their experiences and lesson learned about listening. Predicting and working with other.
Source Mastering Arabic unit 14 (YOU TUBE).  Google Images  under ccby listence 
Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening. Metacognition in Action (ISBN 978-0-415-88372-6)

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Learn Arabic: Countries and their Capitals - unit 9 3rd ed
Your Task -After watching
-The speaker in this video mentioned the word map of Middle East. Do you know what is it ?
-The speaker said all country and capital are feminine. what do you think? is it  هي or هو
-Most of the Foreign Country end with ALIF, which countries the speaker mentioned?
what about India?
- Try to reflect on today lesson .For example:
what did you learn from today lesson; vocabulary, phrases or  grammar.
Most important how would you use these outcome in real life.

Task 2
Click on this link and pick up ONE subject and learn ONE culture about ONE country of you choice.
Come back and share your experience in comment section if you wish.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Monday, 12 August 2019

Listening Exercise. Watch the video to see and hear the pronounciation of the Arabic Alphabet

Level A1
The Arabic Alphabet
Listening Exercise. Watch the video to see and hear the pronunciations of these litters: 

ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هه و ي 

click here and be active learner 

source AL-Kitaab Arabic Language Program isbn 9781589017054

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Mastering Arabic 1 Unit 04 Jobs

Source Mastering Arabic
Amani does not speak any Language except Arabic, You an expert in Arabic and we need your help.
1-what does Amani do?
2-Where is she based?
3- what are the occupation of her parants?
4-who else does Amani Mention?
Share your knowledge with others in the comment Section.

Level A1(beginners)
Learning two common greetings
Introducing oneself
Taking leave

Your Task: After listening  write in the common section short sentences introducing your self using one greeting and one when you leave.
you may use English transliteration if you do not know some Arabic letters.

click and listen

Source Ahlan Wa Sahlan

Sunday, 7 July 2019

This podcast comes from another  Arabic teacher.

Listening for gist:
Listen and find out:

What is the main issue at stake?
Who are the main protagonists?
What will be the outcome?

Listen again, these images may help

Image result for ‫البحرين‬‎

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Language Level. (CHECK YOUR LEVEL BEFORE YOU ENGAGE WITH THE TASK). A1- A2 20 -40 hours of study.  B1-B2 40 -100 hours of study C1 100- 200 hours of study C2 200 + hours of study).

من هي الأميرة زوجة حاكم دبي

 التي "تتوارى في لندن"؟

Students Tasks.
There are three tasks in the following story, each task related to a different level. Please do the task according to your level. For example, A1-A2 see task 1 that the story in the three columns below. B1-B2 see task 2 and C1-C2 see task 3.

أنا شقيقة العاهل الأردني الحالي عبد الله بن الحسين من ناحية الأب، أما أمي فهي الملكة علياء التي توفيت في حادث سقوط طائرة مروحية عام 1977

[v] Pass away

[n] Accident 

حَادِث (ة, ج حَوَادِثُ)

[n]  Airplane 
طَائِرَة (ج. ـات)

عُمري الآن 45 عاما ودرست في بريطانيا في مدارس خاصة ثم التحقت بجامعة أكسفورد ا في بريطانيا
[n] Age,


[v] Study, learn

[n] Private school

مَدْرَسَة خاصة
[v] Join, enter

اِلْتَحَقَ بـ

تزوجتُ (زوجي) محمد بن راشد عام 2004 وأنجبت منه طفلين
[v] Marry, wed


[v] Produces (a child, a creation)


 Task1- For Level A1-A2.Read the story and find out:

The speaker name and title
The father and mother name and title
The brother name and title
The husband name and title

Task 2 for Level B1-B2
Click on the link and complete in not less than 100 words the story of the person in the article.
Write your answer in the comments section
Task 3- For Level C1-C2
Click on this link and write a summary of the story and what might happen in the future for the  wife and husband

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Level advanced (C1-C2)
Student Task:
Political Section is keeping a close watch on the Arabs media
Listen to the accompanying article and summarise in English the main ideas.
Write your summary in the comments section.

Click here to listen
الكتاب تضمن تصريحات لستيف بانون عن إدارة ترمب (رويترز)

Vocabulary may help.

نُشر  - أصدر
[v] Issue, publish
أَبْلَغَ ( 4)
[v] Informs,
• بَلَّغَ ( 2)
[v] Convey, notify, inform
مَوَّلَ ( 2) ستمول  will fund
[v] Finance, capitalize, fund
حوله around him  
وجود [اسم/مصدر] حضور
Attendance, presence
[Adv] militarily
حَلَّ - محل
[v] replace, displace, oust,  
[n] leadership, commander, generalship
[adj] actual, present1,  available, being, existing

[prep] according to
تَجَاهَلَ ( 6)
[v] ignore, bypass, disregard, eliminate, pass over
نَصِيحَة (ج نَصَائِحُ)
[n] advice, recommendation, counsel
تَحَدَّى (مستقبل يتحدّى, 5, تحدّ)
[v] defy, brave, challenge, affront, outface

• تَحَدٍّ (أيضاً التَّحَدِّي, ج تحديات)
[n] challenge, defying, dare, defiance
مَنَحَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] give, donate,  award
[n] agreement, approval
مُمَارَسَة (ج. ـات)
[n/] exercise, practice
[n] bullying, thuggishness

أَشَارَ إلى (أَشِرْ)
[v] indicate, refer, point out
تَوَلٍّ (أيضاً التّولّي)
[n] assuming, taking over
وِلايَة[اسم/مصدر] وصاية
[n] guardianship

[اسم/مصدر] حكم
[n] reign, rule
وِلايَة (ج. ـات)
Other meaning: [n] country, province, state
صِهْر (ج أَصْهَار) [اسم] العائلة
 [n] brother-in-law, son-in-law
قَامَ بـ ( 1, ـُ )
[v] handle, execute, manage, carry out, fulfill, deal with
[n] engineering, designing and planning carefully
قِلاب[اسم/مصدر] ثورة
[n/src] revolution, coup, coup d’état
وَضَعَ ( 1, ـَ , ضَعْ)
[فعل] حَطَّ
[v] sposition, put, install, place, lay
خَصَّ بـ ( 1, ـُ )
[v] favor with,) belong to us  خصنا)   
قِمَّة (ج قِمَم)
[n]  top, crown
